Hey hey my loves! So today I’m gonna do another “behind the scenes” look at a particular food: the – in my opinion – heavenly agave syrup. ‘Why are you doing that?’ you ask? Quite simply, because I’ve been using this stuff for about a few weeks in almost every meal I’ve had. I just think it’s SO good. But in the light of the fact that I have to buy this sweetener so often because it’s about to run out after about three days of purchase, the question somehow germinated in me, if this product is good for me at all. Therefore: Sanny does some research. And because I’m doing that anyway, I thought I might share my findings with you guys…my pleasure!
Are we humans designed to eat meat?
As a lot of you probably know, I have been eating vegan almost exclusively for quite some time. Normally, it is not difficult for me to eat like that at all because the vegan diet is incredibly delicious and easy to follow, but now and then it still happens that I feel these cravings for meat and sadly give in to them from time to time. In the last couple of days, I once again asked myself why I still sometimes have this craving for meat, although I completely stand behind veganism and its principles.